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Neko (Reskilling Neko)

  • ブログ 1019
  • 英語 174
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  • 英語学習 66
  • ねこ 58
  • TOEIC 42
  • はてなブックマーク 40
  • ネコ 28
  • 相互 19
  • TOEFL 8
  • ブログサークル 6
  • 弁護士 5
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  • 会社法 1
  • 予備試験 1
  • LLM 1
  • 企業法務 1
  • ニューヨーク州 1

I, the administrator of “Reskilling neko.com(「リスキリングネコドットコム」),” am an attorney specializing primarily in corporate law. As I mentioned in the following article(https://reskillingneko.com/archives/8), although I am a non-native speaker, I am now engaged mainly in cross-border matters. It was not piece of cake, with much hard work, I have been striving to improve my “English language skills.”

Improving English is only a means to an end. The important thing is to use your English skills to move on to the next step. Increasing your professional opportunities, enriching your personal relationships, studying abroad…whatever your goal is, you can use your English skills to achieve it. It is important to improve your English ability in line with your goals. In my case, being able to use English to communicate knowledge related to my field of expertise has boosted my confidence and had a positive impact on the quality of my main job. For these reasons, I will be posting mainly on English and business topics on this site, which is my area of expertise.

Reskillingneko.com is operated with the intention of supporting English learning as “reskilling” for all businesspersons. My priority is my main business as an attorney, but I will be steadily disseminating information.

I would appreciate it if you could add our site to your favorites and visit our site regularly.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.


①<何問正解できる?>「TOEIC」頻出の英単語100問 語彙力チェック   https://reskillingneko.com/archives/852
②2024年版 おすすめ「検索エンジン」等28選とリサーチの重要性について https://reskillingneko.com/archives/793
③弁護士からみた「弁護士の上手な使い方」(企業法務編) https://reskillingneko.com/archives/844

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